We all know that interviews can be daunting. Here at Antelope, we always spend some time with our candidates to ensure they are fully prepared - you may be a seasoned interviewee looking for a quick refresh, or someone who hasn't interviewed before, either way we can help to make sure you really impress at interview.
Do your homework...
One of the most common pieces of feedback we receive from employers is that they love when candidates have done their homework - just because an employer hasn't asked you to prepare anything for the interview doesn't mean you shouldn't.
The best preparation is do your research. Learn about the company, their product/services, main customers, competitors, opportunities, awards/successes etc. Knowing your stuff about a company really shows you want that job!
Don't be late
Build in some extra time for traffic and parking, even do a trial run prior to your interview. If you’re running late you’re already on the back foot and this will come across in the interview. After all, being late for an interview is NEVER a good thing!
Arriving 10-15 minutes early to your interview is ideal. Arriving too early could have the adverse effect, with staff feeling like they need to entertain you or feel rushed in a prior meeting.
First impressions count...
...for a lot! You will need to adapt to the feel of the company and interview. Follow the interviewers lead, if they open with some small talk, get involved but always remember that the interview has started, it may not seem that way but you should always be in interview mode.
Keep it short, simple and relevant - Answer the question.
If you don’t understand the question, ask them to repeat it. Don’t guess.
There is a big difference between providing a clean, thorough answer and babbling on forever. You should aim to highlight the most necessary information your interviewer is looking for, without adding unnecessary details.
We are certainly not suggesting that you be overly brief to the point that the interviewer isn't getting a complete picture of you. You just want to make sure that the answers you are giving are easy for them to digest.
Positive body language.
Be calm and confident, wear comfortable clothing and don’t fidget. Body language is important in a job interview, so you have to be aware of it from the moment you step through the door. Here's a few do's and don'ts:
Make eye contact - This shows you are paying attention. If you are being interviewed by more than one person, make sure to address the person who asked the question without losing contact with the rest of the room.
Smile - It will go a long way. Smiling not only makes you appear more relaxed and comfortable, but the interviewer is more likely to employ someone who comes across friendly/personable.
Slouch - Negative body language will make you look bored and disengaged. The same can be said for crossed arms or gazing into space.
Move about/fidget - You may well be nervous, we'd be worried if you weren't, but too much nervous movement and you will come across awkward and uncomfortable to the interviewer.
Just be yourself
It sounds obvious, but it's really important. The aim of an interview is to convince those sat opposite you that you are the best candidate for the job, but there is a fine line between selling your best attributes and creating a whole new persona.
Aside from anything else, being yourself will give you one less thing to worry about and should help to ease the nerves.
Any questions?
You’ll usually be asked if you have any questions, a great response is “No I don’t, thank you. I really like the job and the company. Would you like to know anymore about me?”
The interviewer would generally reply “No", to which you can reply, “Is there anything stopping you offering me the role, or is there anything missing that I could give you any more information about that would help?”
This is a way to ensure the interviewer has asked you everything they want, but also shows that you really want the job and can often lead to an on the spot job offer.
